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第5部分 (第1/7页)

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好书推荐: 网游:我能移动小数点 我能无限刷神话 转职生活职业?我开局种下世界树 全民网游:开局升级SSS级天赋 开局获得后羿认可,这个弓手无敌 靠魔物娘无敌,知道我有多爽吗? NBA:巅峰天赋爆棚 美女世界 我的救世游戏成真了 全民转生,我魅魔开局得到龙魂 弃妃竟是王炸偏执王爷傻眼倒追乐呦呦 凤明薇慕容骁免费阅读无弹窗 弃妃竟是王炸偏执王爷傻眼倒追小说全文免费阅读 凤明薇慕容骁小说最新章节免费阅读 我一个治疗术下去你可能会死 联盟:变身绝症少女,打哭全世界 主宰:科技涅盘,震撼寰宇 疯了吧!神话天赋你管他叫反派? 斩月 横霸诸天:从武林外史开始

The old wooden floor creaked as I steppedacross the threshold of this aging house。 There was a cheap mat just inside the door。 The mat was there to hide the years of wear from countless footsteps that the floor had supported。 Although clean; it needed to be replaced。

I felt claustrophobic as I entered the narrow living room; which was filled with old musty overstuffed furniture that today would be collector's items。 Sitting on the couch were two women; a little older than my mom。 Across from the women sat a man in workman's clothes。 He wore khaki slacks and a khaki shirt; neatly pressed but without starch; and polished work books。 He was about 10 years older than my dad; I'd say about 45 years old。 They smiled as Mike and I walked past them; heading for the kitchen; which lead to the porch that overlooked the back yard。 I smiled back shyly。

〃Who are those people?〃 I asked。

〃Oh; they work for my dad。 The older man runs his warehouses; and the women are the managers of the restaurants。 And you saw the construction supervisor; who is working on a road project about 50 miles from here。 His other supervisor; who is building a track of houses; had already left before you got here。〃

〃Does this go on all the time?〃 I asked。

〃Not always; but quite often;〃 said Mike; smiling as he pulled up a chair to sit down next to me。

〃I asked him if he would teach us to make money;〃 Mike said。

〃Oh; and what did he say to that?〃 I asked with cautious curiosity。

〃Well; he had a funny look on his face at first; and then he said he would make us an offer。〃

〃Oh;〃 I said; rocking my chair back against the wall; I sat there

perched on two rear legs of the chair。

Mike did the same thing。

〃Do you know what the off

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随机推荐: 系统之宠妃当道 我的栖惶岁月 让我打一架[快穿] 后宫胭脂杀 御赐良医 快穿之求养不求肥 一触即发+番外 by 殇情客 逃婚后我成了马甲精 殿上狐 重回84东北开局干死一头大野猪