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好书推荐: NBA之格斗天赋加满超巨都慌了 游戏神豪,我氪金多亿点怎么了? 网游:蓝星online 开局SSS级天赋,装备全是史诗 海岛求生:真千金她为何总是霸榜 进入FPS游戏并且火力无限 游戏:靠吸收物品来升级的商人 全民求生:我的蛇姐超级强 规则怪谈:我天生反骨苟到最后 开局扮演卡莎,老婆竟是我自己? 网游:我的血量有亿点点多 足球:开局马竞,成为门神 爆币币币币币币币币币币币币币币 施法永久加法强,我圣光百亿增幅 重回半岛,拿下电竞女神 乔丹,要不要和我学做老板? 网游:转职剑仙,一剑破万道 哼,电竞少女喜欢吃饼干怎么了 爬塔游戏,我却要从上往下爬? 篮球:开局绑定2K系统

ho might be on the fence when it es to the idea of working to learn something new; I offer this word of encouragement: Life is much like going to the gym。 The most painful part is deciding to go。 Once you get past that; it's easy。 There have been many days I have dreaded going to the gym; but once I am there and in motion; it is a pleasure。 After the workout is over; I am always glad I talked myself into going。

If you are unwilling to work to learn something new and insist on; instead; being highly specialized within your field; make sure the pany you work for is unionized。 Labor unions are designed to protect specialists。

My educated dad; after falling from grace with the governor; became the head of the teachers union in Hawaii。 He told me that it was the hardest job he ever held。 My rich dad; on the other hand; spent his life doing his best to keep his panies from being unionized。 He was successful。 Although the unions came close; rich dad was always able to fight them off。

Personally; I take no sides because I can see the need for and the benefits of both sides。 If you do as school remends; bee highly specialized; then seek union protection。 For example; had I continued on with my flying career; I would have sought a pany that had a strong pilots union。 Why? Because my life would be dedicated to learn a skill that was valuable in only one industry。 If I were pushed out of that industry; my life's skills would not be as valuable to another industry。 A displaced senior pilot…with 100;000 hours of heavy airline transport time; earning 150;000 a year…would have a hard time finding an equivalent high…paying job in school teaching。 The skills do not necessarily transfer from industry to industry; because the skills the pilots are paid for in the airl


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随机推荐: 月时有圆缺 冒牌女友 最强灵武系统 相与襟袂连 诱拐死灵法师 穿越天龙之璟璇 清朝位面悠闲生活 男配自有女配疼 万界大起点 作文三书