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第24部分 (第3/7页)

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好书推荐: 末世:我一个亡灵法师加什么智力 进入游戏世界终于轮到我玩养成! 四合院:谁喊傻柱弄死谁 四合院:开局被迫和秦淮茹换房 直播算卦,你非尊我为天师! 一世容安 重生:游戏才刚出,你怎么就乱杀 世界RPG之大穿越 异世玩魔兽网友 全球冰封,我囤积了千亿物资 那就让她们献上忠诚吧! 我重生在游戏发布前一天 冲榜拿首杀,战力等级都第一 末日:零元购,我搬空整个鹰酱国 穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派 末世:别人囤物资我囤女神 末世:开局白嫖十亿军火 全球灾变:我召唤无限军团横推万物 开局梦到未来一万年 全民庇护所,你在末世当大爹?

 the better your chances are for profits with minimal risk。 That is what friends are for。 And that is financial intelligence。

4。 MASTER A FORMULA AND THEN LEARN A NEW ONE: The power of learning quickly。 In order to make bread; every baker follows a recipe; even if it's only held in their head。 The same is true for making money。 That's why money is often called 〃dough。〃

Most of us have heard the saying 〃You are what you eat。〃 I have a different slant on the same saying。 I say; 〃You bee what you study。〃 In other words; be careful what you study and learn; because your mind is so powerful that you bee what you put in your head。 For example; if you study cooking; you then tend to cook。 You bee a cook。 If you don't want to be a cook anymore; then you need to study something else。 Let's say; a schoolteacher。 After studying teaching; you often bee a teacher。 And so on。 Choose what you study carefully。

When it es to money; the masses generally have one basic formula they learned in school。 And that is; work for money。 The formula I see that is predominant in the world is that every day millions of people get up and go to work; earn money; pay bills; balance checkbooks; buy some mutual funds and go back to work。 That is the basic formula; or recipe。

If you're tired of what you're doing; or you're not making enough; it's simply a case of changing the formula via which you make money。

Years ago; when I was 26;1 took a weekend class called 〃How to Buy Real Estate Foreclosures。〃 I learned a formula。 The next trick was to have the discipline to actually put into action what I had learned。 That is where most people stop。 For three years; while working for Xerox; I spent my spare time learning to master the art of buying foreclosures。 I've made sever


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随机推荐: [综]每日新闻 赤裸人间 (全职猎人同人)[全职猎人]再用一生爱上你(团酷) 我们时代的历史人物 罪小说:人肉搜索 墨尔本风停了吗 仙匠 至尊大地主 为你入戏(gl娱乐圈) 一个不正经的玛丽苏故事