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第28部分 (第1/6页)

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好书推荐: 王者:我带大仙的XYG夺冠 全民网游:提前先单机半年 我就一法师 开局强化癌细胞,我独获登神序列 婚后心动 网游:我能移动小数点 我能无限刷神话 转职生活职业?我开局种下世界树 全民网游:开局升级SSS级天赋 开局获得后羿认可,这个弓手无敌 靠魔物娘无敌,知道我有多爽吗? NBA:巅峰天赋爆棚 美女世界 我的救世游戏成真了 全民转生,我魅魔开局得到龙魂 弃妃竟是王炸偏执王爷傻眼倒追乐呦呦 凤明薇慕容骁免费阅读无弹窗 弃妃竟是王炸偏执王爷傻眼倒追小说全文免费阅读 凤明薇慕容骁小说最新章节免费阅读 我一个治疗术下去你可能会死

We looked for a house for two weeks; a house that would fit all the criteria we were looking for。 There were a lot to choose from; so the shopping was kind of fun。 Finally; we found a 3 bedroom 2 bath home in a prime neighborhood。 The owner had been downsized and needed to sell that day because he and his family were moving to California where another job waited。

He wanted 102;000; but we offered only 79;000。 He took it immediately。 The home had on it what is called a non…qualifying loan; which means even a bum without a job could buy it without a banker's approval。 The owner owed 72;000 so all my friend had to e up with was 7;000; the difference in price between what was owed and what it sold for。 As soon as the owner moved; my friend put the house up for rent。 After all expenses were paid; including the mortgage; he put about 125 in his pocket each month。

His plan was to keep the house for 12 years and let the mortgage get paid down faster; by applying the extra 125 to the principle each month。 We figured that in 12 years; a large portion of the mortgage would be paid off and he could possibly be clearing 800 a month by the time his first child went to college。 He could also sell the house if it had appreciated in value。

In 1994; the real estate market suddenly changed in Phoenix and he was offered 156;000 for the same house by the tenant who lived in it and loved it。 Again; he asked me what I thought; and I naturally said sell; on a 1031 tax…deferred exchange。

Suddenly; he had nearly 80;000 to operate with。 I called another friend in Austin; Texas who then moved this tax deferred money into a mini…storage facility。 Within three months; he began receiving checks for a little less than a 1;000 a month in ine which he then poured back int

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随机推荐: 女配vs作者 霍爷的小祖宗掉马后轰动全球了! [全职高手]毕业规划 都市之捉鬼天师 [死神白一]珍珠by叶月玖 穿越:却人间 召唤恶魔大人 巨富女婿 商行天下 丝血不耽误我打怪