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第9部分 (第2/6页)

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好书推荐: 开局一颗定海珠,给我砸! 全民领主:开局一座移动城 NBA之格斗天赋加满超巨都慌了 游戏神豪,我氪金多亿点怎么了? 网游:蓝星online 开局SSS级天赋,装备全是史诗 海岛求生:真千金她为何总是霸榜 进入FPS游戏并且火力无限 游戏:靠吸收物品来升级的商人 全民求生:我的蛇姐超级强 规则怪谈:我天生反骨苟到最后 开局扮演卡莎,老婆竟是我自己? 网游:我的血量有亿点点多 足球:开局马竞,成为门神 爆币币币币币币币币币币币币币币 施法永久加法强,我圣光百亿增幅 重回半岛,拿下电竞女神 乔丹,要不要和我学做老板? 网游:转职剑仙,一剑破万道 哼,电竞少女喜欢吃饼干怎么了

t; flickering; rekindling; before burning itself out。

The theory of love at first sight is appealing; but really; there is no such thing。 Love es later; an afterthought; once desires are sated; needs overe; wishes fulfilled。

Sex is instinctive; possessive; manding: a force to be reckon…ed with; dangerous when unleashed。 Since we never know where it will take us; it needs to be handled with care。

Love; on the other hand; is never a threat。 It is deliberate; fashioned by choices; generous to a fault; happy to put the other person’s interests ahead of its own。

If sex is the ultimate in self…expression; love is the opposite: an on…going challenge to vanquish the self。 A formidable task; much against the grain of human nature。

Our ability to love is constantly tested; as we are faced with hurdles that call for mutual negotiation。 If we succeed in clearing them; the result will be a deeper attachment; greater affection; a closer bond。

Conversely; no relationship; however passionate; will survive if love is lacking。 Without love we fall at the first fence。

Proponents of the 1960s sexual revolution had a noble aim in mind: to liberate us all from the age…old tyranny of insipid morality; religious condemnation; secrecy and shame; repression; guilt and inhibition。

Love was the new currency; intimacy a birthright; to be enjoyed along with carnal pleasures and made freely available as a healthy; natural means of expression。

Loneliness would be a thing of the past; every type of relationship respected; physical and emotional fulfilment available to all; with no fear of disapproval or exclusion。

Little did these humanitarians anticipate that; before long; their idealistic concept would be hi…jacked by mercial inter


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随机推荐: 和闺蜜一起穿越到七十年代 重生之福星高照 宫云密布作者:笑轻盈 天真 (综)女配逆袭日记 混沌绝 甜蜜陷阱 妃娶不可:腹黑王爷蓝灵妃 报恩剑 农门悍妻:败家媳妇放肆宠